I am excited to officially announce the creation of the Social Marketing Association of North America (SMANA). SMANA is a professional membership organization, similar...
Back in June I gavea hands-on presentation at the MARCOM Annual Forumdemonstrating 25 of my favourite tools that have optimized my digital workflow over...
Back in June I gavea hands-on presentation at the MARCOM Annual Forumdemonstrating 25 of my favourite tools that have optimized my digital workflow over...
I was recently asked to give a presentation in Toronto to the Canadian Partnership for Responsible Gambling’s (CPRG) symposium, “Social Marketing for Responsible Gambling:...
One of my first blogs eight years ago was Marketing to Canadians of South Asian and Chinese Origin… a hot trend. I have...
For those of you not familiar with what I am referring to, the Government of Canada (Goc)Web RenewalInitiativeaims to streamline theGoC’s web presence through...
Many readers of my blog are developing marketing initiatives aimed at youth, especially adolescents. If you thought that understanding and marketing to millennials was...
Do you have any issues managing your team? Are you having challenges managing your boss? Could you benefit from additional non-judgmental, external insights on...
I was recently asked by a client to update an informational section on their website that dealt with the basics of the current social...
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