I always like to take the opportunity to educate readers of marketing during periods when they are paying attention to a specific event. Also,...
Last weekI had a brief scare thatmy wife and I had becomethe latest victims of identity theft, and worse, that it was my own...
I recently read an article by Margaret Wente columnist at the Globe and Mail titled The world’s nicest, most law-abiding generation
It got me...
I’m spending a lot of time in airports these days… Recently, after meeting with a client for the better part of the day, I...
Over the course of the last few weeks there has been significant discussion about the very disturbing, derogatory and blatantly sexist#FHRITP trend. Let me...
Having worked on numerous digital/social organizational strategies for the better part of the last decade, I find that I still occasionally run into organizational...
This post is based ona comment I left on the followingOECD blog post the other week :Measuring government impact in a social media world...
Hey folks, so Igot back frommy 10-day Vipassana Meditation Retreatlast week and must say i feelfully re-charged, super-positive and healthierthan ever. Overall it was...
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