Survey Research for Public Sector and Non-Profit Organizations (Workshop – September 24, 2024)


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Instructor Information

  • Keith Neuman

    Keith Neuman Keith Neuman is one of Canada’s most accomplished survey research professionals, with an extensive background and skill set spanning a broad range of topics and applications, including public opinion surveys,… Read full bio

Session Information

TIME: 8:45AM - 4:30PM EST

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We are pleased to offer a one-day online workshop on survey research for public sector and nonprofit organizations, the first such course offered in Canada. This one-day course introduces participants to the basic principles and practical understanding required to conduct effective survey research in-house or through commissioned work. Survey research has many use cases, including surveying employees and stakeholders, program evaluation, surveys of the general public (or targeted segments of it), market research, and as a key tool for social marketing and behaviour change. The course will be delivered by CEPSM Associate & Principal at KNeuman Survey Insights, Keith Neuman, one of Canada’s most accomplished survey research professionals with 40 years of experience across the public, private and non-profit sectors.

Who is this workshop for?

This course is designed for anyone that wants to build their knowledge in conducting effective survey research, with a particular focus on public sector and nonprofit professionals working in marketing, communications, research and evaluation, public relations or human resources. The course content will appeal equally to those with no prior background and those with some experience who want to sharpen their skills.

What will you learn?
  • An introduction to survey research, including a brief history, the broad range of applications, and its unique strengths and value.
  • An essential understanding of how to approach, design and manage survey research projects within your organization.
  • A practical toolbox of concepts, tips and resources covering the seven essential steps to conducting effective surveys – from initial scoping to selecting how to collect the data, to final reporting.
  • How to decide when this type of research is right for you, including aligning with your organizational goals, determining feasibility, and whether to conduct in-house or contract out.
  • How to select the right research supplier (if contracting out) and ensure you are getting what you are paying for.
  • How the concepts and knowledge can be applied to your own survey project as a workshop case study.
What will you receive?
  • A PDF copy of the workshop slides and/or workbook
  • An official CEPSM workshop certificate of completion

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We are pleased to offer a one-day online workshop on survey research for public and non-profit sector professionals, the first such course offered in Canada.

This one-day course is designed to introduce public and non-profit sector professionals to the basic principles and practical understanding required to conduct effective survey research, whether in-house or through commissioned work. Survey research can be used for a range of uses, including surveys of employees and stakeholders, program evaluation, surveys of the general public (or targeted segments of it), market research, and as a key tool for social marketing and behaviour change. The course will be delivered by CEPSM Associate & Principal at KNeuman Survey Insights, Keith Neuman, one of Canada’s most accomplished survey research professionals with 40 years of experience across the public, private and non-profit sectors.

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What you will learn

  • An introduction to survey research, including a brief history, the broad range of applications, and its unique strengths and value.
  • An essential understanding of how to approach, design and manage survey research projects within your organization.
  • A practical toolbox of concepts, tips and resources covering the seven essential steps to conducting effective surveys – from initial scoping, to selecting how to collect the data, to final reporting.
  • How to decide when this type of research is right for you, including aligning with your organizational goals, determining feasibility, and whether to conduct in-house or contract out.
  • How to select the right research supplier (if contracting out) and ensure you are getting what you are paying for.
  • How the concepts and knowledge can be applied to your own survey project, as a workshop case study.

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Each participant will receive

  • A PDF copy of the workshop slides and/or workbook
  • An official electronic CEPSM Workshop Certificate of Completion
  • An electronic Uber Eats gift card that can be used to order lunch from your favourite local restaurant

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Who this is for

Public and non-profit sector professionals in marketing, communications, research and evaluation, public relations and human resources who want to build their knowledge for effective survey research. The material is geared both to those with no prior background and those with experience who want to sharpen their skills.

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For now, this course will continue to be delivered online via Zoom Pro. We plan to once again begin delivering in-person workshops in the fall of 2022. If you're interested in attending an in-person session, please let us know so that we can gauge demand.

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